PTA Business
The Tuckahoe Middle School PTA supports the education and welfare of ALL students at TMS by fostering relationships between parents, teachers, students and school administration. Thank you for your support!
Tuckahoe Middle School PTA Board
Liz Williams, Lauren Beach
Contact: tmspresidentpta@gmail.com
VP Parent Programs
KristinWeir, Jill Gasper
VP Membership/Donations
Ragan Dyer, Mai Anh Jones
Emily Hare
Treasurer Elect
Jenny Larkum
Recording Secretary
Bridgit Kreutzer
Corresponding Secretary
Andie Rohrs, Totty van Blaricom
Volunteer Coordinator
Angela Mackay
Hospitality (Teacher Appreciation)
Somer Sentz, Julia Cowgill, Kathy Hieber
8th Grade Party
Laura Lee
Restaurant Nights
Lauren Corby, Mary Nelson
Spirit Wear
Whitney Thouron
Vicki Gardiakos, Jessica Milligan
Food Pantry
Shannon Reppard, Stuart Fisher
Social Media
Melissa Banta, Cheryl Escobar
Angel Fund
Sallie Diers
Alison Walden
IB Committee 6th Grade
Somer Sentz
IB Committee 7th Grade
Kristin Martin, Lauren Mcketta
IB Committee 8th Grade
Lane Lenzi, Bonnie Edwards, Shannon Reppard
HCCPTA Representative
Suzanne Ranson